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Kerlijne Van Nevel

The Belgian mezzo-soprano, Kerlijne Van Nevel, pursued her secondary education with a focus on the classics, she began vocal studies at the Lemmensinstituut in the class of Marianne Vliegen. She had already received singing and piano lessons at the Music Academy in Jette and was a member of the Nausikaä-koor, Brussels. During her studies, she also received coaching from Lieve Jansen, Dirk Snellings, Herman Stinders and from her father, Erik Van Nevel. In 2010 she joined the Royal Conservatory of The Hague, where she specialized in Early Music under the guidance of Barbara Pearson, Peter Kooy), Michael Chance and Jill Feldman.

Kerlijne Van Nevel has enjoyed working with several renowned conductors, such as Philippe Herreweghe, Dirk Brossé, Bart Van Reyn, Kurt Bikkembergs, Christoph Siebert, Barthold Kuijken and Richard Egarr. She is a regular member of the ensemble Currende (Director: Erik Van Nevel) and of Ensemble Psallentes (Director: Hendrik Vanden Abeele) and is frequently invited as a soloist with various choirs and ensembles (Vox Luminis (Director: Lionel Meunier), Tourdion, Arenbergkoor...).

In 2006, Kerlijne Van Nevel founded the vocal quartet, Encantar with three other female students. The four young singers perform polyphonic music from the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries, mostly a capella. The group have received an enthusiastic response from audiences both nationally and internationally. In 2008, they were prize-winners in the Gouden Vleugels Competition and gave a series of concerts with ensemble Il Gardellino. In February 2009, Encantar were awarded the Klara-Tandemtrofee for the most unforgettable performance of the competition.

Kerlijne Van Nevel continued her vocal training as a participant on courses in Belgium and abroad, where she has worked with, among others, Kees Boeke, Udo Reinemann, Jeanette Fischer, Marcel Péres and Jean Tubéry. In 2010 she recorded four discs with Encantar, Flanders Recorder Quartet, Currende and Vox Luminis and in December of the same year appeared as soloist in Monterverdi's Vespers. In 2011, she sang the alto arias from the Christmas Oratorio (BWV 248) by J.S. Bach under the direction of her father, and in March 2012 she was soloist in the Mass in B minor (BWV 232) at the Lemmensinstituut.

Performing arts productions (selection)

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