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HET LAB is a residential artistic lab for arts young audiences in Hasselt, working on three levels: INPUT (research, investigation, exchange), PROCESS (rehearsal) and COPRODUCTION.

Level 1: input
At level 1, HET LAB focuses on INPUT, inspiration, exchange, artistic dialogue. The production drive is far away here, as the central focus is on strengthening one's own artistic baggage. HET LAB works out a number of formats for this: 
- theme lab: once a year there is a thematic artistic lab where international makers engage in dialogue and exchange around and around that theme
- exchange lab: once a year, 3/5 Flemish makers can engage in a three-day artistic exchange in the studio with makers from a cross-continental company. The emphasis here is on a non-European company, making the questioning of and research into each other's métier, aesthetic and artistic vision and acting methodology the object of exploration. 
- festival visits: twice a year, Flemish makers can go to a foreign festival for young audiences, not to play but to watch, to engage in dialogue with other makers, to network.

Level 2: process-development
HET LAB makes 'tailor-made residencies': infrastructure, framing/coaching and international networking. We provide substantive coaching, internal feedback and outside eyes tailored to the artist and the performance.
To this end, HET LAB has a flat for up to 6 people and a 100m² workplace. For technical finishing in the production process, residents can go to CCHA itself. 

Level 3: product-development
HET LAB wants to support makers coproductionally with their creation, not as an independent producer, but supporting a company or a project subsidy. This co-production consists of finishing possibilities in CCHA (with technical support), presentation in programming CCHA and/or Krokusfestival and a financial co-production contribution.

Flanders Arts Institute

Expertise centre for performing arts, music and visual arts.