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Klangwolke 2009: FLUT

Mozart - Complete works for string trio


Flut werd gecomponeerd voor Linz Cultuurhoofdstad 2009 (Oostenrijk).

Datum van uitvoering: 5. September 2009
Plaats: Linz
15:00, Hauptplatz – Die Prophezeiung
21:00, Donaupark Linz – Die Arche


Künstlerische Leitung:
Airan Berg Konzept, Regie, Live-Video
Dick van der Harst Komposition
Roger Titley Creature Design, Bewegungsregie
Martina Winkel Text, Regie, Visuals
Martin A. Fuchsberger Dirigent
Mitwirkende: Andrea Eckert, Wolfram Berger, Simone Vierlinger und Menschen aus Linz und Umgebung

The Flood
Fabulous creatures created and brought to life by people from Linz and vicinity pour through the city and transform it into a biotope full of wonders. Klangwolke 2009 follows the flow of one of humankind’s oldest narratives – the myth of the Great Flood. Over the course of the day, the signs and omens intensify as onslaughts of animals careen through the streets and prophets presage frightening visions. At nightfall, the banks of the Danube become the setting of a drama at the nexus of doom and deliverance. With video projections, live music and fireworks, a theatrical account of survival is played out before the backdrop of the night sky and the big river.


Steunpunt voor beeldende kunsten, podiumkunsten en klassieke muziek.