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Jonathan De Maeyer

Jonathan De Maeyer holds a master's degree in Visual Arts - Photography from LUCA School Of Arts Ghent and works on autonomous projects as well as projects in collaboration with artists and musicians.


Jonathan De Maeyer is a visual artist who tries to understand his surroundings through his photographic work, films and texts. De Maeyer is working on a digital and analog image archive that forms the basis for associatively composed series that try to translate the desire to find an unknown landscape called ‘Locus Amoenis’. Additionally, the series are about the interpretation of place. The boundaries of perception seem to be determined by figures of speech and certain successful interpretations. In his work he tries to reinterpret landscape and give the viewer access to an alternative, personal perception. A representation of reality is already a perception.

The representation of an image consists out of layers. Some see the space between these layers as emptiness, but De Maeyer likes to think of it as one containing endless possibilities from which viewers can interpret to their heart’s content. When images fail to communicate a certain meaning, it creates a blank canvas to project a personal perception upon. By adding these layers, he wants to slow down the process of seeing.

It is not the image that fascinates him, but the image of the image, which is artificial. 

Does reality exist when it is not observed?


Steunpunt voor beeldende kunsten, podiumkunsten en klassieke muziek.