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Jivan van der Ende

Jivan van der Ende (1993, NL)
In my practice, mostly consisting of performances and installations, I analyse and dissect the symbols of power structures and social constructions. How are (and were) combinations of colour, material and texture associated with these symbols and constructions? By questioning their power status, I am decontextualizing their imposed meanings and leaving space to imagine. 
My eclectic method is based on endlessly collecting, documenting, combining, re-using and (re)searching. Therefore, my work entails a practice rather than a production of things. The work is not a static artifact but is formed by different conditions: performers, visitors, architectural conditions (and/or costumes) coming together at a specific moment in time. 
My proces is personal, eclectic and multimedia. I am inspired by the people around me and allow my gender bending research on costumes to be a vivid part in my work. I enjoy collaborating with peers, as seen in my performances or self organized publications and exhibitions. I feel a responsibility and great joy to facilitate space for collaborations with fellow queer artist, their works and ideas on exhibiting. 
I approach the exhibition space as a platform for playfulness, alliance, criticality, as a place to experiment with expectations of visitors and the implications of institutional or self organized systems and architecture.


Steunpunt voor beeldende kunsten, podiumkunsten en klassieke muziek.