Steven Messiaen
'The artistic practice of Steven Messiaen mainly translates into three parts: paintings, prints and sculptural installations. One is often inclined to make a clear distinction between these different disciplines, however, in his case, it would discount the cohesiveness of the oeuvre; as Messiaen handles each medium freely and correspondingly, frequently resulting in fruitful xenogamy. The artist describes his varied body of work as a kind of 'house-like' situation, where multiple objects with a specific function (e.g. a bed, refrigerator, washing machine, etc.) separately co-exist under the same denominator: house. The choice for an interdisciplinary working method could therefore be explained by the apparent limitless way Messiaen let several media start a dialogue with each other, in order to create a harmonious, overall picture....'
Wouter De Vleeschouwer, Gent, 2015
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