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Platinum Collection

Wim Mertens - Platinum Collection [CD Scan]


  1. Close cover
  2. 4 Mains
  3. Their duet
  4. Hufhuf
  5. No testament
  6. Naviamente
  7. Maximizing the audience
  8. Multiple 12
  9. To keep them from falling
  10. Wound to wound
  11. The paths not taken
  12. With all its might (2006)
  13. Un respiro
  14. The personell changes (Edit)
  15. The scene
  16. Often a bird
  17. The fosse
  18. What that one does
  19. Struggle for pleasure
  20. Alef
  21. Birds for the mind
  22. Humility
  23. Yes, I never did
  24. Passend (Reprise)
  25. Hors-nature
  26. Zutzig
  27. Al
  28. A sandy shore
  29. 2 and 3 = 1
  30. In 3 or 4 days
  31. Not at home
  32. Gorf
  33. Song 6
  34. La fin de la visite
  35. Iris
  36. MP4


Steunpunt voor beeldende kunsten, podiumkunsten en klassieke muziek.